Our Council
Our Services
Our Town
Our Venues
The Glastonbury Frost Fayre is an extravaganza of seasonal magnificence when our community comes together to celebrate ‘Peace and Goodwill to All’ at this festive time of year.
Stalls and Late night shopping starting from 10 am that is officially opened by the Mayor at Mid-day at the Meladrome Stage (top of High Street), followed by the Christmas lights “switch on” at 5 pm, coming to a close at at 6 pm once everyone has shopped, eaten, drank, and been merry!
What else you can find at the Frost Fayre?
Stallholder Application forms for Frost Fayre 2024
Stallholder application forms for 2024 will be available from the 3rd September 2024 via this webpage.
You will be notified by email by the end of September 2024 if you have been successful/unsuccessful.
Priority is given to local businesses (BA6/BA16) to have a pitch within the Frost Fayre.
Strictly one application per person/business.
Please make sure you have ticked that you have read the terms and conditions, or your form will be returned to you.
No one is guaranteed a High Street pitch and your location is chosen based on providing a mix of products, foods, drinks, and entertainment in any one area of the Frost Fayre.
Performers and Bands
If you wish to play at one of our stages please send contact information to the below email address by end of August 2024 to be considered.
Any questions please email frostfayre@glastonbury.gov.uk. and mark for the attention of Sarah Marks the Committee Clerk or call on 01458 831769 Monday – Friday 11 – 4pm.
Glastonbury Town Council
Town Hall
Magdalene Street