Current Mayor


Cllr Lokabandhu

The Mayor is elected each year at the Annual Town Council meeting which is held in May.  The Mayor has two roles, as Chairman of the Town Council and Civic Ambassador for the town. It is a role steeped in tradition and ceremony.

There are many engagements undertaken by the Mayor in which they act as a link between the various groups and organisations and the town. The Mayor can share the views and concerns of the community with the Council. The Mayor can also take the Council’s message out into the community and work towards achieving the Council’s commitment to encouraging and fostering positive working relationships between the council and other organisations and individuals working and living in the community. 

Cllr Lokabandhu has nominated the Glastonbury Mental Health Network as his charity for the year.

Cllr Michael White is the Deputy Mayor, and assists Cllr Lokabandhu with his duties.

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