West Mendip Primary Care Network (PCN) and Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) have joined with Glastonbury Town Council in partnership, to ensure the centre delivers on its primary purpose of supporting the community with their health and wellbeing. The partnership will work alongside a wider strategic working group of stakeholders, bringing additional skills and expertise to advise the partnership on specific tasks or areas within the project.
The restoration of St Dunstan’s House, which will be the base of the new community health and wellbeing centre, is one of ten projects that is being supported by the substantial investment of £23.6 million awarded to Glastonbury in 2019 as part of the government’s then Levelling Up initiative. The addition of a new glazed atrium to Glastonbury Town Hall will seamlessly connect the building with St Dunstan’s House to fully utilise the space as an holistic community facility. Towns receiving funding were encouraged to raise additional private investment and community capital, with the aim of maximising the impact of the initial funding and ensuring that developments are sustainable for the future.
Glastonbury Town Council are keen to ensure that the centre meets the needs of the community and have been gathering feedback from local residents on the use of the facility, through open days, public forums and a comprehensive questionnaire. Town Clerk, Conor Ogilvie-Davidson, explains “In shaping this project, we have been guided by the Glastonbury community to form a tailored plan to meet the town’s unique needs. The aim is to provide a venue for community activities and gatherings, with access to health and wellbeing advice and support for local groups. Through feedback we have also identified an interest in support for local businesses, which will also be a factor we consider as plans for the centre develop.
“We want to guarantee that the activities, sessions, and initiatives held in the building are suitable for all, and do not lean too heavily into any one sector’s needs, therefore, the town council decided to open applications for partner organisations to help steer the overall operations of the centre. We’re delighted that West Mendip PCN and SASP have joined us to form this exciting partnership; their invaluable expertise will assist us in ensuring the centre meets the needs of our community.”
The partnership will act as the steering committee, establishing goals and objectives to guide the project once the building opens, monitoring progress and making key decisions regarding the types of services available at the facility.
West Mendip PCN, one of 13 PCNs in Somerset, works in collaboration with five GP Practices in Glastonbury, Wells and Street.
“This partnership aligns perfectly with the PCN’s aim of creating an integrated and sustainable healthcare environment,” Dr Kate Rush, Clinical Director at the PCN explains.
“Our team are passionate about prioritising a personalised care approach for the people of West Mendip and are looking forward to sharing their knowledge and expertise to help guide the direction of the new centre.”
Founded in 2006, SASP, a charitable trust that is dedicated to increasing the health and happiness of residents in Somerset through physical activity and sport, will bring a wealth of experience in delivering tailored programs and initiatives to enhance overall wellbeing to the partnership.
Jane Knowles, CEO of SASP, is delighted to be a partner, stating “this work will allow a huge focus on lifestyle medicine, supporting people to live happy and healthy lives outside of clinical settings. A focus on physical and emotional health centred around building positive relationships, positive opportunities and an intergenerational approach.”
Speaking of the benefit of the strategic working group (SWG), Conor Ogilvie-Davidson notes, “we’re delighted to have an experienced group of wider stakeholders who will bring a diverse range of expertise and perspectives, fostering innovative solutions to meet the needs of our community.”
The SWG is made up of the Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, various teams from Somerset Council, the Community Council for Somerset (CCS) who work to facilitate projects and enterprises that support positive change and add value throughout the county, the youth work charity Young Somerset and Spark Somerset, who support voluntary and community organisations in Somerset.
Gillian Cook, Neighbourhood Development Manager for Mendip at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust is encouraged by this collaborative step towards integrated health and wellbeing, saying, “We are looking forward to working with the rest of the Strategic Working Group to advise the partnership in delivering robust community services.”
Work on the restoration of St Dunstan’s House began in July 2024, with work being conducted by local firms Melhuish & Saunders Limited, Dowlas Property Group, Morgan Structural Limited, O2i Design Ltd and many more local specialists. The next stage of the project is to begin work on the glazed atrium, with St Dunstan’s Health and Wellbeing Centre due to open in the Summer of 2025.
Picture: Representatives from various organisations at a recent St Dunstan’s House Strategic Working Group meeting, with other representatives joining online